• Address: Nadbrzeżna 1, 78-230 Karlino
  • Phone: 94 311 60 50

The railway bridge across Radew in Karlino is one of the most interesting architectural monuments in the region. It adorns the town and it is an integral part of the image of Karlino.  The bridge was built in 1859. Wilhelm I himself, the Prince Regent and later the German Emperor, took part in the opening celebrations. The bridge lied on the Stargard-Koszalin-Kołobrzeg route. At the time, the bridge was a true accomplishment in bridge engineering, as evidenced by a detailed description of the construction of the bridge published in ‘Czasopismo Inżynierii Budowlanej’ [Construction Engineering Magazine], a contemporary German engineering magazine published in Berlin. The prewar inhabitants of Karlino used to call it ‘Bogen’, i.e. arches. The bridge is imposing, made of red bricks with five arches. The best view over the bridge is offered from the kayaking harbour in Karlino.


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