Located in the southern part of Lake Dąbie, the marina has been operating for 70 years. The AZS Szczecin Yacht Club is the oldest yacht club in Poland. The marina has water and power supply pedestals and a recreational area.

This is one of the few clubs in the harbour area and it has been in operation for almost seventy years. If you can sense the atmosphere of the old club, then you can come close to the spirit of Szczecin sailing. The marina itself offers yachtsmen beautiful green areas and a good stopping location. Berths are located on stable concrete jetties or at a new piers for vessels. They are all are equipped with water and electricity. The marina is fenced off and guarded. There is a tavern within the  hotel, where you can taste good food, eat at budget prices and relax. There is also a sailing workshop and boatyard within the complex. Among the yachts moored in AZS, is one belonging to the yacht club called ‘Nadira’. It is one of the oldest, floating vessels in the country, and and is very well-maintained. This yacht, built in the 1906, is less than 12 meters long.


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