• Address: Niedziałkowskiego 2, 73-200 Choszczno

The water supply tower in Choszczno was built in 1903. The tower was almost completely destroyed during World War II. Only the brick shaft of the tower has survived. The tower was rebuilt in the 1950s. Concrete and reinforced concrete were used to rebuild the tower. Consequently, a contrast between the original shaft of the tower was created. The original charming shape of the tower was also changed. Currently, the tower has utility functions and houses a chemist's. An additional room for the chemist's back office was built on the ground floor.
The tower is 32 m high, the original shaft of the tower reaches 13 m. The elevation of the tower has been refreshed recently. The tower is an interesting structure, it is worth visiting while sightseeing Choszczno. It can be seen from the outside.


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