• Address: al. papieża Jana Pawła II, 70-413 Szczecin

The over 4 m high copper statue was erected in 1980 in the city center in the Fountain Avenue. The statue was designed by Ryszard Chachulski.

Szczecin, as a city where the Maritime University of Szczecin is located, had to possess a monument referring with its appearance to maritime traditions of the capital city of the West Pomerania Province. According to the design by Ryszard Chachulski, on the commission of the Association of Friends of Szczecin, on proposal of Zbigniew Abrahamowicz, it was decided that an imposing copper statue representing a sailor should be erected. The plan was fulfilled in 1980. The figure looks majestic and measures, along with a pedestal, 405 cm. The sailor holds a steering wheel in his hands, and the collar of his overcoat seems to wave in the wind. The figure is not related to any specific event; it reminds the inhabitants and tourists who visit Szczecin that it is a city connected with sea and seafaring. The fragment of the Alley of Fountains, where currently stands the statue of a Mariner-Helmsman, was developed in the 1990s. In 2007, the monument underwent a refurbishment. It is surrounded by lavish vegetation and colourful bushes. Behind its back, there is one out of three fountains located in this part of the street (hence the name – the Alley of Fountains).


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