• Address: 10, 72-410 Kłodzino

The first historical mention of the village dates back to 1314. At that time it was a fief of the von Bersterbek family. In the 16th century it was owned by the von Flemming family. In the 19th century Klodzino was acquired by the Wendeler family, and in 1892 by the Schultze family. A representative of the latter family built the manor house, which still exists today. By 1945 the estate had changed hands twice more. First it was Herbert Schroeder, and later Herman Witte. After the war, the manor was managed by the State Agricultural Farms, which led to the neglect of the manor and park.

The one-story manor house with a usable attic was built on a rectangular plan. An entrance porch was extended in front of the building. In the gabled roof with hipped pediments were placed vertical windows providing light to the attic - dormers. The mansion is unused, as a result of which it is falling into increasing disrepair. Nearby are the farm buildings and the remains of the park. The entire complex is accessible, but for safety reasons it is advisable to stop at visiting the buildings from the outside.

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