
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Wałeckie Centrum Kultury
The Walecki Cultural Center invites dance lovers and enthusiasts to the next meeting of the Milonga series.

The carnivalesque installment of the event will take place on Saturday, February 22, 2025, in the club room of WCK. From 6:30 pm to midnight the dance floor will be filled with the sounds of tango argentino, and the reliable TDJ Krzysiek Ruminski will provide the musical setting.

As always at the Nice Milonga, there will be musical surprises. In the past we have hosted guitarists, soloists and live bands, and this time we have something equally special for you!

The cost of participation is PLN 35 per person (payable on the spot). The fee includes drinks (water, tea, coffee), fresh fruit and tasty homemade sweets and snacks. In addition, we encourage you to complement your milonga costumes with carnival accents - masks, feathers or other accessories will be a great addition.

We look forward to seeing you and invite you to join us for carnival fun to the sounds of tango!
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