• Address: Wilków Morskich, 72-400 Kamień Pomorski

Only a few small sections of the 14th-century defensive walls have survived to this day. The best-preserved fortifications include the Wolin Gate, the Butter Wicket, and the Piast Tower. You can see all fortifications on a 2-hour walk.

The construction of defensive walls in Kamień Pomorski began in the first half of the 14th century, after the Brandenburgians attacked Kamień in 1308 and the entire town burnt down. Eight defensive towers were erected around the town, including three from the side of the Lagoon (Rybacka, Miejska and Maślana). From the land side, the city was protected by a wall with five towers and two moats. These fortifications did not include the cathedral and chapter buildings, which were surrounded by a separate wall. As a result of the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648), the city and its defense system were destroyed, and only small fragments of the walls, the Piast Tower and the Wolin Gate have survived to this day.

Those interested in looking for traces of the city's defensive walls can go for a walk that will take about 2 hours. You can start your walk at the Lagoon, where fragments of the city walls have been preserved. Another remnant of the old defensive walls, which can also be seen in the vicinity of the Lagoon, is the Maslana Furt, which has survived to modern times as one of the three towers defending the city from the side of the reservoir. While walking along the city's defensive walls, one cannot miss the 14th-century Wolin Gate, representing the Gothic style. Currently, there is a Museum of Stones here. The remains of the defensive walls have three owners: the commune office, the local parish and the state treasury, not all of them show the same care for the monument, as a result of which some of them are in poor condition.


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