The planetarium is located above the Wax Museum and shows 3-D images of space on a 7 m dome.

The digital planetarium with the Digistar 4 system is a place where visitors can go on a space trip and visit other worlds, galaxies or even travel to the inside of a human body. It has a rich collection of astrological objects and 3D models. Screenings and educational shows are organised here, during which the audience may ask the qualified staff any questions connected with the topic of the show.

Ticket prices: 15 PLN - normal, 10 PLN - reduced

Reduced tickets for teenagers under 16 are only available after presentation of a valid school ID, and for pensioners after presentation of a valid Social Insurance Company’s ID. The show takes place provided that there are at least 5 spectators. Organised groups need to make reservations.


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