• Address: Choszczno

Seven Brothers’ Linden is a unique example of a Small-leaved Linden. It is special because of two things. First of all, because of its impressive size, second of all, because of the legend which connects the tree with the foundation of the town of Choszczno.

As the legend says, the linden was planted by Choszcz – the founder of the town, and by one of his six brothers. The tree was to serve as a symbol and to guarantee that the town will always be peaceful and prosperous.

The linden is also involved in a story about the Swedish Deluge. The story says that, hetman Stefan Czarniecki and his army were resting in the shadow of its branches. That is why it is also called Czarniecki’s Linden. However, the ingenious citizens of the town consider it a mistake – they want the story of the seven brothers to be considered as the only, true official version. 

Until recently, exactly until 2008, the monument consisted of two, joined trunks. Unfortunately, somebody set fire to the tree and as a result it was damaged. The rescue of the tree lasted for 6 hours –four fire brigade units participated in it. Unfortunately, they didn’t manage to keep the tree undamaged. Fire spread quickly inside the old, hollow trunk. When all attempts to put the fire down in a traditional way failed, firemen decided that the best solution would be to cut the burning trunk off. Currently, the monument consists of one trunk with 460 cm in perimeter. The tree is 22 m high, and it is assumed by specialists that it is over 300 years old.

Seven Brothers’ Linden has lost its unusual appearance, but it is still very popular with tourists and town citizens. It is still visited, admired and treated as the symbol of the town. 

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