The late 13th/14th century chapel is a remnant of the Gothic church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was demolished in the late 19th century.

The Gothic chapel, located in the oldest part of the city on Boleslaw Chrobry Square, is an unremarkable remnant of the 13th/14th century church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which stood in this place until the end of the 19th century and was then demolished. The chapel was located at the southern wall of the church. The base of the chapel is a stone foundation of erratic boulders. The structure is built of red brick and covered with a gable roof. The entrance to the building is located on the southern wall. A heavy, stylized door is set into a pointed-arch portal decorated with laid alternating black and red glazed brick molding. To the right is a pointed-arch window. Above it are visible three sharp-arched blends, or shallow niches in the wall, of arcade design with brick decorated fillings. The eastern and western elevations have single windows between the two ogival blends. Above, in the eastern elevation there are three additional blends with a geometric decorative pattern known as blind masquerade. In the western one, meanwhile, there are four additional blends, but already without decoration. The chapel was restored in 2009, and in the evening can be admired illuminated in all its splendor. In its history, the chapel served as a mortuary, at the time when the church cemetery was located here. At one time, an altar also stood here. It also served as a church porch. At the beginning of the current century, a jewelry store was located here. Near the chapel, on a landscaped and well-kept small green area, a model of the Marian church was placed, which stood here until the end of the 19th century and of which the preserved chapel is still a part.

Currently, the building serves as the Tourist and Cultural Information Center in Police. It was established in 2010, the decision to choose this place was made by the Municipal Cultural Center in Police, to which CITiK directly reports. At the Center we can obtain all information on tourism and cultural events and activities in the Police Municipality area. The place also serves as a store with souvenirs of the Police area. Here we can buy maps, plans, key chains, mugs, pens, as well as T-shirts and caps with an element characteristic of Police. Also available for purchase are books describing the history of Police and surrounding towns (e.g., "Postwar History of Police," "Tanowo Yesterday and Today" by Jan Matura) or memoirs of former German residents of the town (e.g., "Moving Sands" memoirs by Hilde Kliche, a former resident of Jasenitz - Jasienica). The CITiK is open from Tuesday to Sunday at its headquarters in the Old Town.


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