• Address: 51, 72-405 Stuchowo

The park surrounding the manor in Stuchowo is one of the largest manor parks in this region. Originally, a part of the park was arranged as an English garden, where creators attempted at highlighting the impression of natural landscape. In spite of war damages, it is still possible to notice characteristic elements of the style, such as vast space of meadows and planted bushes and trees. In the park, beeches, firs, yews, lindens, oaks, hazels, hickories, plane trees, and white poplars can be found. What is also interesting is a specimen of Sitka spruce, a tree brought from North America. Some of specimens planted in the park are more than 100 years old. There is also a tombstone of one of the former proprietors of the castle in the park. 

The park is open to tourists and can be freely visited.


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