A special kind of museum is located in the former guest house of the monastery and castle complex in Dargun. It is a comprehensive collection of both the ordinary and the extraordinary. The exhibits once belonged to the house, farm and garden, were needed in old crafts or were used by our ancestors in agriculture or forestry. The medicine room contains utensils used by farmers, dentists and vets. The stationmaster's "office", as it can be seen, was saved from the station at the end of Dargun's railroad history. The exhibition on flight and expulsion at the end of the Second World War with original accounts of those affected is remarkable; it also attracted a great deal of attention on northern television. Visitors to the museum will find further agricultural equipment and machines in the spacious outdoor area and on the threshing floor. Almost all of them are in working order - they are there to be touched and tried out. Go for it! Swing the blacksmith's hammer yourself, hammer cheese into the cobbler's shoes or work wood on an old draw bench in the wheelwright's workshop. And don't miss the lovingly laid out farm garden. "Uns lütt Museum", run by an association on a voluntary basis, has grown into a prestigious museum. Its dedicated members have lovingly designed the exhibition rooms, maintain the historical machines and tools and organize special exhibitions and activity days.

Opening hours:
April-October Saturday/Sunday 1.30 pm - 4.30 pm
July/August also Wednesday and Thursday 1.30 pm - 4.30 pm
Group tours all year round by appointment 039959-20381

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