• Address: Kopice 73, 72-112 Kopice
  • Phone: 91 418 83 03, 693 060 712

Open in the summer season, but the piers are available also in other months. The maximum draught is just 0.5 meters. There is no power or water supply available. The marina also does not have toilets. There is a camping site.

Its jetty operates from June till the end of summer. Outside this period, little happens in this harbour, yet the jetty is still available for yachtsmen. The marina itself consists of two docks accommodating around forty small boats. Caution! Immersion depth – up to 0.5 meters. How to get there? Sailing from the Szczecin, go past Chełminek Island and. turn right. Just be careful of the shallows! The dock itself may not be very peaceful as you have to take into account the often strong westerly winds. Despite the lack of the facilitis at the harbour, it is still a perfect place for a temporary stop. 


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