
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Klub Sportowy Inwalidów START Szczecin
For several years in our city of Szczecin we have organized the Polish Swimming Championships for people with disabilities. Again we will host practically the entire national team, for whom the performance in Szczecin is a mandatory test of current form. As in past years, there will also be several very strong representations not only from Europe. Therefore, there will be with whom to race, with whom to compare their current disposition. The competition starts on Friday at 16.00. 15 minutes earlier the opening ceremony of the competition. That's why we invite you on Friday from 15:45 to 20:00, on Saturday from 10:00 to 15:00 and on Sunday from 9:00 to 14:00. Last year during our competitions the World record was set ( in 200 meters freestyle in S-2 category by Kamil Otowski from IKS AWF Warsaw 4:39:31 !!!!) , and Polish records - we hope that this year's edition will also not lack them.
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