
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): YACHT KLUB POLSKI SZCZECIN
YKP SZCZECIN CUP is a two-day regatta held every year on the second weekend of September, which since 2015 has combined two sailing events with a long-standing tradition: the Epifanes Trophy oldtimers regatta and the YACHT CLUB POLAND SZCZECIN Commodore's Cup regatta. This is an event that annually attracts dozens of yachts competing in the NHC, KWR, OPEN and OLDTIMER classes. Crews also compete for the Goleniów Mayor's Cup for the fastest yacht in Lubczyn and the Tadeusz Siwiec Memorial for the absolute fastest yacht in the entire regatta. YKP SZCZECIN CUP is a celebration of sailing, which aims to promote this discipline, integrate the sailors of our region and propagate the values associated with sailing. The event is more than 20 years of tradition and experience on the regatta map of our region and a pillar of YKP SZCZECIN's identity.
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