
  • Ticket price(s): 0
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Stargardzkie Centrum Kultury
Attention: free admission! Coming June 21, 2024 - a concert festival of Stargard inaugurating the cultural activities of the modernized Amphitheater in Stargard! Stars of the Polish music scene will perform: Natalia Kukulska, Kasia Moś, Milena Lange, Kuba Badach, Igor Herbut and Łukasz Zagrobelny. They will be accompanied by the outstanding Warsaw Impressione Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Tomasz Szymus. Excellent arrangements will enrich the musical journey with modern sounds, and the concert will be conducted by actress Laura Łącz. The evening will conclude with the most famous stage siblings in Poland: one of the most popular Polish bands of the young generation, Kwiat Jabłoni. It will be an unforgettable concert - admission free! The concert is invited by the Mayor of Stargard and the Stargard Cultural Center.
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