
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Teatr Kania
Having in mind the more than 20-year history of the outdoor Bonds of Culture Festival we have been implementing, this year we would like to direct our attention primarily to the young residents of our city and establish, "in farewell to the vacations", an international theater-circus festival, presenting artistic forms alternative to commercial offers. We want to promote "ANOTHER TALE", i.e. a different approach to young viewers - to offer them high quality, unconventional creative activities, combining attractiveness and communicativeness with the values of contemporary art. Presentations will be held primarily in the open air (Kanya Meadow, Peter and Paul Square, Adamovich Square), but also in Kanya Hall. On Saturday and Sunday in the Meadow of Cana we will also build a Neighborhood Border Town - a space for open workshops, stands, animations, concerts, performances and demonstrations. All events will be free of charge, open to the public, built into a complementary program, arranged in such a way as to include an offer aimed at a wide range of young audiences, combining attractive form and fun with reflection and touching, through art, also important and non-obvious topics. In the mission statement of the Kana Theater we have written: we believe in the power of encounter and the causal power of art. The most important thing for us is that in these difficult times, when in the last few years we have all experienced what a pandemic is, and some have also experienced what war is, we should try - for our children and ourselves - to return to what saves. To art that is fun together, that brings us together, that makes us smile, that shares goodness. We invite you to the OTHER TALE.
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