
  • Ticket price(s): 0
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Filharmonia Szczecińska i Jacht Klub Akademickiego Związku Sportowego w Szczecinie
This is the 22nd edition of the Music on Water outdoor concert series created by Jan Waraczewski. This time the Dąb harbor will carry on its waves the greatest hits of Helena Majdaniec, a bigbit singer called "the queen of twist". Songs from her repertoire will be performed by Szczecin artists in modern arrangements by Krzysztof Baranowski and Patryk Walczak. Baranowski is also the originator and director of the entire concert, which under the name "Było tak już raz" premiered at the opening of Szczecin's Summer Theater in July 2022. The performers will be accompanied by an instrumentalist lineup of more than 30 musicians consisting of the Szczecin Philharmonic Bigband and the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. Both the theme of this concert and the style of performance and song arrangements are intended to integrate audiences of all ages, from people who still remember Helena to young audiences familiar with bigbit from the work of, for example, Ada Rusowicz. In the unusual scenery of the AZS Yacht Club Marina in Dabie, music lovers will be able to see a musical show that will take them back to the times when Helena Majdaniec reigned on music stages. The realization and direction of the concert places a strong emphasis on the trans-generational resonance of the show. Music on the Water, held every year despite the absence of its charismatic creator, attracts crowds. More than a thousand people gather annually at the Dabie marina, by the lakeside stage. This unusual combination of music and sailing - two of the greatest passions of Jan Waraczewski, violinist and long-time concertmaster of the Symphonic Orchestra of the Szczecin Philharmonic - makes each concert unique. Previous editions of the concerts have attracted real crowds, and the unusual scenery makes each performance at the marina an unforgettable experience. This year's concert with the songs of Helena Majdaniec is sure to provide many emotions and joy to all attendees, both lovers of her work and those who are yet to discover her musical world.
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