
  • Link to ticket store:
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): RAA – Demokratie und Bildung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.
This online workshop is dedicated to the topic of "Intercultural misunderstandings" in connection with Erasmus cooperation. It is aimed in particular at schools in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern for which cooperation with schools abroad is a possibility and which should consider possible intercultural stumbling blocks. This online workshop is dedicated to the topic of "Intercultural misunderstandings" in connection with Erasmus cooperation. It is aimed in particular at previous participants in Erasmus trips organized by RAA M-V who may be considering cooperation with other schools abroad and who should consider possible intercultural stumbling blocks. Based on the example of Spanish-German cooperation, generalizable challenges will also be addressed. The workshop will be led by Professor Brigitte Jirku from the University of Valencia/Spain. Cultural misunderstandings are often barely recognizable, as those involved often lack the knowledge to identify and influence the misunderstanding. The result is often astonishment or rejection and can even lead to a breakdown in communication. Examples of intercultural encounters between Germans and Spaniards are analyzed in group work. Using several models and theories, central categories of intercultural difference will then be presented. The aim of the workshop is to become more aware of the different cultural characteristics and to sensitize oneself to difficulties, but also opportunities, in intercultural exchange.
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