
  • Ticket price(s): 30 zł
  • Link to ticket store: lub stacjonarnie w Centrum Informacji Turystycznej w szklanym pawilonie w Alei Kwiatowej
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Żegluga Szczecińska Turystyka Wydarzenia Sp. z o.o.
Where does the musical heart of Szczecin beat? What secrets are hidden in St. James Cathedral? Who was Emilie Mayer, whose symphonies were compared to the works of Beethoven? During the walk you will visit the most beautiful building in Europe - the Mieczyslaw-Karlowicz Philharmonic Hall, learn about the history of the pre-war Konzerthaus and find out what the author of the most famous wedding march has in common with Szczecin. We invite you to a walk full of musical curiosities, fascinating personalities from the world of music and pearls of architecture. Note: the walk is not only for music lovers! Guided by: Katarzyna Jackowska Start: Mieczyslaw Karlowicz Philharmonic Hall.
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