
  • Ticket price(s): 30 zł
  • Link to ticket store: lub stacjonarnie w Centrum Informacji Turystycznej w szklanym pawilonie w Alei Kwiatowej
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Żegluga Szczecińska Turystyka Wydarzenia Sp. z o.o.
How was life in Szczecin in the 1940s? Did Szczecin return to the motherland? Why was the castle Piast? What was planned to be done with the Cathedral ? Walking through the modern city, you will rediscover familiar places, listening to the history of a city perpetually searching for its identity, full of paradoxes. Guided by: Szymon Maksymiuk Start: Solidarności Square
Pomorze Zachodnie (The West Pomerania) | mobile app

App Pomorze Zachodnie (The West Pomerania) mobile app

You will not get lost on the route with us! In our application you will find a detailed map of routes and excursions, interesting places and events, 360 panoramas and much, much more!