
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Ogrody Śródmieście
We invite you to a unique event, which will take place on June 28 on the stage of the Downtown Gardens! WOMAN AT RISING LOW EMERGENCY BENEFITS Performance by Teatr Współczesny in Szczecin Starring: Marysia Dabrowska and Kuba Fiszer Dramaturgical collaboration: Jakub Skrzywanek Musical direction: Piotr Klimek Premiere: May 12, 2018 Duration: 80 minutes The play "Woman at Risk of Low Pension Benefits" is a self-ironic stand-up, cabaret and recital in one. The real is intertwined with the imagined and full of brilliance. Maria Dabrowska, playing the role of a winged diva and at the same time playing herself, takes us on a journey through the years spent in dark theater halls, telling us about the difficulties and joys of contact with the audience and self-acceptance. Captivated by her charisma, the audience assumes the role of faithful fans, and the performance becomes a kind of affirmative show, in which, through cleansing laughter, we jointly confront our eternally unsatisfied desire for recognition and love. In the background we will hear songs such as "Gray Mirage," "Voyage, voyage" and "Samba before parting" in unconventional arrangements by Piotr Klimek, sung to the accompaniment of Kuba Fiszer and his drum kit. The show has become a permanent fixture in the repertoire of the Contemporary Theater in Szczecin and has won acclaim on many prestigious stages and festivals, including the Stary Theater in Lublin, the KONTRAPUNKT Review of Small Form Theaters, the MALTA Festival in Poznan, the Jazzclub-Kunstfabrik Schlot in Berlin and the Marburg Theater Festival. Don't miss this unique opportunity and join us on June 28 on the stage of the Downtown Gardens, free admission!
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