
  • Ticket price(s): 150 zł
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Bornem Sulinowie
Playing with clay is an ideal exercise for children in sensory integration, small motor skills and development of spatial imagination. Program: 1. Let's get acquainted with clay - in theory 2. Let's get acquainted with clay - in practice 3. Let's see what can be created from clay 4. Let's make a dream creation 5. Let's take a spin - that is, play on the potter's wheel 6. We have ready works prepared for the first firing 7. Our first bisque 8. Let's take our works The workshop is conducted in the form of a game. The youngest learn about different techniques of making and working with clay, make impressions in clay from patterns on the material, can create their own favorite and invented shapes according to their liking. The trainer helps to make the shape by only hinting at the technique or use of the right tool. As for the form and shape - children have total freedom based on their own imagination. After all, these will be their own real works!
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