
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Festiwal Dwóch Jezior, Wałeckie Centrum Kultury, Miasto Wałcz
On January 3, 1965, in the "Cristal" cafe in Gdansk - Wrzeszcz, between 11 am and 2:30 pm, a musical group called "CZERWONE GITARY" was established.

The first lineup of the band consisted of Bernard Dornowski, Krzysztof Klenczon, Jerzy Kosela, Jerzy Skrzypczyk and Henryk Zomerski. From the beginning, Seweryn Krajewski performed as a guest with the band. He joined the lineup permanently in December 1965. He parted ways with the band in 1997 and is currently engaged in individual musical activities.

A total of 17 musicians have worked with the Red Guitars to date. Those who played in the band included: Dominik Kuta, Wojciech Hoffmann, Ryszard Kaczmarek, Jan Pospieszalski, Arkadiusz Malinowski, Marek Kisieliński, Artur Chyb, Marcin Niewęgłowski and Artur Żurek.

Today, Czerwone Gitary performs as follows:

Jerzy Skrzypczyk
Mieczysław Wądołowski
Arkadiusz Wisniewski
Marcin Niewęgłowski
Marek Jabłoński

No one needs to be introduced to their songs, which created the Polish music scene for many, many years!

Czerwone Gitary will perform in front of you on Friday, July 12, at 9 pm! See you at the Festival of Two Lakes!
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