
  • Ticket price(s): 0
  • Link to ticket store:
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Gminny Ośrodek Kultury, Sportu i Rekreacji w Przecławiu, Młyn 3D w Przecławiu
▪ Dancing Outside the Sphere of the City ▪.
July 19-20 Przeclaw

The first edition of the festival presenting performances and events in the field of dance and choreography. The keynote of this year's edition is LOCAL/GLOBAL.

Discover the events:

What exactly will you see during the festival?

■ MONDAY, 19.07
15:00 - 18:00 Brut Movement Collective - performative bike rally | As part of the project "We include culture!"
18:00 Opening of the festival at GOKSiR
18:30 "Primary Layers" MIll3D Collective and Baltic Neopolis Orchestra
19:30 "Connected/Disonnected" concept: Patryk Gorzkiewicz
21:00Beyond the Sphere CONTEST - dance battle

10:00 - 13:00 FLOORISH workshop | conduct: Wojciech Furman
11:00 - 12:30 Festival warm-ups - Let's meet in movement! - Kan-Do-Yoga | conducting: Katarzyna Kania
13:30 - 15.00 Talks at the common table | "What does it mean to be local?" - "How to be local?" Conducting: Katarzyna Kania
17:30 Non-tuning - Ego Vu Dance Theater
18:00 Stone - Face - Book - Granhøj Dance Company
19:00 Come as you are # Teil 2 - Nir de Volff / TOTAL BRUTAL
21:00 Common Table Talks | "Dance - Lost in translation" - "Dance, or what language do we speak?" Hosted by: Katarzyna Kania
22:00 Afterparty: Wild frolicking outside the sphere | live set: Wild Frolicking

■ 21.07. SUNDAY
10:00 - 13:00 Breathing Bodies Movement workshop, Conducting: Nir de Volff
11:00 - 12:30 Festival warm-ups - Let's meet in movement! - Kan-Do-Yoga | conducting: Katarzyna Kania
OFF SFERA - performances by independent artists and groups

GOKSiR Przecław
3D Mill
Kolbaskowo municipality

Media support

Subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for Promotion of Culture - a state purpose fund, within the framework of the "Dance" program, implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance.
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