
  • Ticket price(s): 0
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  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Północna Izba Gospodarcza w Szczecinie
‼️ Already on October 1, the 3rd Baltic Economic Congress will be held at the Polish Theater in Szczecin!

Four thematic blocks:

✅ Europe, Finance and Economic Development
✅ Innovation, Tourism and Cooperation between science and business
✅ Offshore, Energy Transformation, and Modern Heating.
❤️ Inspiration! - Consistent branding

????️ The program of the third edition of the Baltic Economic Congress includes plenary debates, industry meetings, interesting lectures and effective networking.
❇️ A novelty will be the Networking Zone - a specially prepared space for even more effective networking, which will be enhanced with a mobile photo studio for professional business photography.

???? The event will begin with an opening debate summarizing Poland's 20-year presence in the structures of the European Union. There will also be a discussion on the topic of the future Polish Presidency of the EU Council.
???? The upcoming Baltic Economic Congress will feature a number of interesting plenary debates covering a diverse range of topics. There will be no shortage of topics related to the past and future of inflation in Poland, or the prospects for the development of the Polish economy. One of the themes of the congress will also be cooperation between science and business, digitization, modern technologies and artificial intelligence in business. We could not fail to touch on the topic of tourism, which plays a very important role in Western Pomerania - we have also prepared a panel discussion on current trends in sports tourism in Western Pomerania.
???? Block III will open with a panel discussion "Szczecin - the offshore capital of Poland". This will also be an excellent opportunity to discuss the ongoing energy and heating transition in Poland.

‼️ This year's edition of the Baltic Economic Congress will conclude with an inspiring powerspeech by Jerzy Owsiak. Specially for our guests, Jerzy Owsiak will give a lecture entitled "Methods and tools for consistent brand image building on the basis of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity and the Woodstock Festival."

❇️ The culmination of the 3rd Baltic Economic Congress will be the Final Gala of the West Pomeranian Entrepreneur of the Year 2024 Competition, an artistic performance by the acting troupe of the Polish Theater in Szczecin and a banquet.

???? Tickets available for purchase:

‼️ With code LATO24 - 15% discount
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