
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Geschichtswerkstatt zeitlup
Magazine presentation and discussion about local tracing and historical work in the German-Polish Oder region

How old is my house and what stories does it tell? What name did my town have in the past? Where does my neighbor actually come from? And what do I see when I look across the Oder and the Pomeranian Bay?

Many committed people and initiatives from the German-Polish island of Usedom to the Oderbruch have been active in local history work for decades. For them, the German-Polish border is both an obstacle and an inspiration, an everyday reality, a challenge and an opportunity. The network initiated by the zeitlupe history workshop "Somewhere in between - Gdzieś pomiędzy: A historical search for traces in Pomerania and along the Oder" brought together history enthusiasts and those interested in history from local history societies, associations and organizations in villages and small towns in rural areas between Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and western Poland as well as from the metropolis of Szczecin (Stettin) for the first time in an intensive and diverse exchange - supported by the Kulturlandbüro and the German-Polish democracy project perspektywa. A borderland walk, joint exhibitions on family and house histories and a German-Polish conference in Löcknitz near the border provided an opportunity for a variety of encounters and exchanges about tried and tested and new ideas.

As a "door opener", the magazine now brings together the stories and work of the people involved and shows how exciting and entertaining local history can be told and presented in border regions - from the clothes hanger exhibition on the history of the department stores in Löcknitz and Szczecin to photographic restagings of old clothes and local traces on the internet. The evening will provide an opportunity to talk to those involved in the network and the makers of the magazine:

A project by Geschichtswerkstatt zeitlupe in cooperation with perspektywa, Kulturlandbüro and Kulturreferat Pommern und Ostbrandenburg.

Admission: free
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