
  • Ticket price(s): 30 EUR
  • Link to ticket store:
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Uckermärkische Bühnen Schwedt
Play with music
by Ulrich Plenzdorf | play version by Benjamin Zock
A gripping, emotional and poetic story about two lovers who rebel for their personal happiness in a strict society ... A longing for a self-determined life and a strong image of women collide with a prescribed collective utopia of a better future. Legend has it that Paul and Paula are destined for each other. Everyone in Singerstrasse knows this. The only problem is that although Paul and Paula live in the same street, they don't see eye to eye. Paula is a single mother and a worker. Paul works as an employee and is unhappily married. When they get closer after a party, their happiness could hardly be greater: Paula is on cloud nine. Paul, on the other hand, remains reserved for the time being. He doesn't want to give up his marriage. It is only when Paula loses one of her children that Paul realizes the value of his love for Paula, begins to fight for it and wins. Are they both heading for a happy life?

Source and photo:
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