
  • Ticket price(s): 78 EUR
  • Link to ticket store:
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Kreisvolkshochschule Uckermark
Nature photography thrives on mood, on light, on the materiality of nature. If we want to discover it, we have to move through it and explore it. The beauty of the landscape, plants and animals is revealed through observation and, for the photographer, the moment when the shutter is released.

Let's experience the untouched beauty of the Uckermark on our journey of discovery! The aim of the "Natural Spaces and Paradises in the Uckermark" course is to expand photographic skills and create an individual photo series on a specific theme.

The first day of the course is dedicated to the theoretical basics of nature photography. The knowledge gained will then be put to the test during an excursion. This is followed by a discussion of the images and concludes with photographic work in an evening light situation.

On the second day of the course, there will be a more detailed discussion of the images and a selection of the photos for the series, which will then be presented.

he course is aimed at anyone interested in photography, from beginners with previous knowledge to advanced photographers who want to develop their technique and creativity. It is particularly suitable for nature and landscape enthusiasts.

Course location
Prenzlau, VHS R 203
Brüssower Allee 48
17291 Prenzlau
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