
  • Ticket price(s): 0
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  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Stargardzkie Centrum Kultury
Saturday, 05/10/2024
4:00 pm and 7:00 pm
SCK Big Stage
Tickets: first floor PLN 90 / balcony PLN 80

Crazy Scissors is an undoubted hit among plays... in 1997 it was entered in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest continuously performed play on American stages.

Adding to the attractiveness of this crime comedy is the fact that the producers and performers always situate the action of the play in the moment, so that the audience can recognize in the play the peculiarities of their city, its institutions and well-known residents. This gives the audience the opportunity to become a co-performer in our play and help the characters solve the criminal mystery.

Note: Each evening the investigation may turn out differently, so it is worth visiting the crime scene more than once.

Barbara: Ola Szwed / Karina Seweryn
Senior inspector: Michał Paszczyk / Łukasz Płoszajski
Antoni Grzebinski: (Tonio) Artur Pontek / Adam Adamonis
Edward Wurzel: Alan Andersz / Maciej Wilewski
Junior Inspector: Piotr Tołoczko / Michał Piróg
Mrs. Dąbek: Dorota Chotecka / Karina Seweryn

Author: Paul Portner Translated by: Elzbieta Wozniak
Directed by: Rafał Szumski
Artistic supervision: Maciej Kowalewski
Producer: Prismedia, Marta Matczak
Costumes: Michał Piróg and Joanna Ciesielska

Performance duration: 110 minutes (intermission).
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