
  • Ticket price(s): 0
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  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Stargardzkie Centrum Kultury
SCK Big Stage
Tickets: from PLN 110

Czerwone Gitary is a legend of Polish pop music .Their great hits are known and sung by all generations of Poles. Their concerts still attract crowds of fans. They have a fantastic contact with the audience, with whom they sing all their hits.

The band was formed in 1965 in Gdansk on the initiative of Bernard Dornowski, Jerzy Kossela, Krzysztof Klenczon, Seweryn Krajewski, Jerzy Skrzypczyk and Henryk Zomerski. Over the years, the group's lineup has changed more than once, but Czerwone Gitar's hits unite many generations. The band's greatest popularity came in its first five years. It is from this period that the great hits that everyone knows and likes "Taka jak ty", "Historia jednej znajomości", "Nikt na świecie nie wie", "Biały krzyż", "Let's go back to the lakes", "Kiedy kiedyś znów zawołam cię", "Kwiaty we włosach", "Powiedz stary gdzieś ty był", "Jesień idzie przez park" come from.

To date, the group has released 15 studio albums, for which it has won many awards, including the "MIDEM" trophy in Cannes, France, for the highest number of records sold in the country of the performer's origin, the Marble Disc - the award for the highest number of records sold in the history of Polish phonography, many gold records and awards at the Opole Festival Currently, Czerwone Gitary consists of: Jerzy Skrzypczyk - drums, vocals, Arkadiusz Wiśniewski - bass guitar and vocals, Mieczysław Wądołowski - acoustic guitar, vocals, Marek Jabłoński - solo guitar, Marcin Niewęgłowski - solo guitar, vocals.
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