
  • Ticket price(s): 0
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Dom Kultury "Krzemień w Szczecinie
A meeting on the history of the church in Podjuchy with Jakub Olszewski.

The history of the parish and church in Podjuchy dates back to the Middle Ages. During the following centuries the parish underwent various transformations and turmoil, and the church itself, although it is the oldest building in Podjuchy, is by no means the first religious building standing in this place.
In fact, the church we know today was not the only place of worship, and in pre-war Podjuchy several communities conducted religious activities.

Jakub Olszewski, a resident and lover of Podjuchy, author of several books on the history of the estate and co-manager of the Podjuchy-Stare Podjuchy portal, will talk about all this at the meeting.

Admission is free.
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