
  • Ticket price(s): 80 zł
  • Link to ticket store:
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Stowarzyszenie Broda i Tatuaż- Beard Clan
On October 11 and 12 we will meet at the 2nd finale of the charity action SILVES FOR THE SLOWER at Kosmos
We will use the money from the collection to buy specialized equipment for the children's wards of the Hospital in Zdroje.
We are waiting for a super time and the best in the world ATMOSPHERE BIT

And here is the timetable ????

Friday 11.10.2024
???? 10.00 opening of the event
???? 10.15 start of the competition for an unhealed tattoo in any category and style - the condition is that it must be done between 10.15 and 18.00 at the event area
???? 16.00 competition for a healed tattoo in the category COLOR SMALL
???? 16.30 contest for healed tattoo in the category BLACK & WHITE SMALL
???? 17.00 healed tattoo contest in the category COLOR LARGE
???? 17.30 healed tattoo competition in the category BLACK AND WHITE LARGE
???? 18.00 closing and selection of the winning entry in the UNHEALED TATTOO category
???? 18.30 - 19.00 distribution of awards

Saturday 12.10.2024
???? 09.15 start of the competition for unhealed tattoo in any category and style.
Skulls and beards referring to the group "Beard and Tattoo" will be welcome. - The condition is to perform it between 09.15- 12.45 at the event area
???? completion and selection of the winning work in the category of UNTATTOOED TATTOOING
???? 13.30 - 18.00 break for dismantling of walls and equipment
???? 19.00 - 19.45 concert by the band NIKT
???? 20.15 concert of DR MISIO band

Admission to the tattoo contest is free

Admission to the concerts is paid - pre-sale tickets for 70 PLN
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