
  • Ticket price(s): 0
  • Link to ticket store:
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Dom Kultury "Krzemień w Szczecinie
Cinema in DK "Flint": YOUNG SHERLOCK HOLMES - 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE PREMIERE! (Sherlock, Jr., USA 1924, 45')

DIRECTED by: Buster Keaton.
STARRING: Buster Keaton, Kathryn McGuire, Joe Keaton, Ward Crane.

A young man earns a living as a movie theater projection booth worker, dreaming of the beautiful girl next door. The realities of java, dream and cinematic fantasy intersect with unprecedented verve in this masterpiece of slapstick and also the first great auteur film. Starring in front of and behind the camera is Buster Keaton - the Great Stone Face of American silent comedy.

The film screenings are preceded by a lecture, prepared and delivered by Christopher Spro. The organizer reserves the right to change the program.
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