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  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Dom Kultury "Krzemień w Szczecinie
Cinema in DK "Flint": THE EXORCIST (The Exorcist, USA 1973, 122').

DIRECTOR: William Friedkin.
STARRING: Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Linda Blair.

This is one of the most important titles in the history of horror filmmaking. When it appeared on American screens in 1973, a storm broke loose. Audiences were shocked by the power of the scenes on display, newspapers were spreading the scandal that was the role of the then fourteen-year-old Linda Blair as a child possessed by an Assyrian demon. To this day, the film continues to make a great impression, and in the summaries of the "100 most important horror films" series, it is almost always placed in the top five.
"The Exorcist" tells the story of little Regan, who lives with her parents in Washington. The girl is possessed by mysterious powers that do not affect only her, but seem to be preparing to crawl all over the world. Two exorcists are called to the scene of the tragedy. A duel will begin between the priests and the demon, who knows their private lives well and knows how to attack them....
The image of a lonely Max von Sydow standing with his suitcase in the glow cast by a mysterious light has become perhaps the most famous icon of 20th-century horror filmmaking. Throughout this film there is everything you would expect from a thoroughbred horror cinema - fear, eeriness, but also a reverie about human fate.

The film screenings are preceded by a lecture, prepared and delivered by Krzysztof Spór. The organizer reserves the right to change the program.
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