
  • Ticket price(s): 0
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Muzeum w Koszalinie
The Museum of Koszalin cordially invites you to an interactive exhibition entitled. "Now Your Movement", which aims to present the idea of a completely unknown phenomenon in Poland - Children's Museums. There are more than 450 such institutions in the United States, and about 60 in Europe, which proves that education focused on building value systems, developing empathy, sensitivity and creativity is much more effective outside the walls of traditional schools, in specially adapted Museums. However, there is still not a single similar institution in Poland.

The exhibition is interactive in nature. A permanent film projection and information boards will serve as the primary medium. The theoretical part will be a scientific conference accompanying the exhibition. The most important element, however, will be educational workshops designed for young participants, showing the methods of work in Children's Museums, thus providing an excellent field of observation for educators and psychologists.

Another intention of the exposition is to show the enormous educational potential of these institutions and the evaluation of this potential by experts during the conference. In the face of the growing necessity to carry out fundamental changes in the education system and to focus attention on the needs of children and young people corresponding to contemporary reality, it is worth considering why such an institution has not yet been established in Poland and whether the first one could not exist in Koszalin.

The curators of the exhibition are Janusz Byszewski (educator, curator and pioneer of modern museum education), Mariusz Libel (sociologist, member of the art duo Twożywo), Dr. Beata Nessel-Łukasik (sociologist, art historian).

Admission to the vernissage is free!
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