• Date: Saturday, October 5, 2024, 6:01 PM-7:38 PM
  • Address: Młyńska, 4, 74-510 Trzcińsko-Zdrój
  • Page: http://bicktz.pl
  • Phone: +48 736991304


  • Ticket price(s): 0
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Biblioteka i Centrum Kultury w Trzcińsku-Zdroju
The "Happy Birthday" band is a group that creates and performs its own songs from the climate of the Land of Gentleness, poetic song, ballad and folk. Such songs as "Taradajka," "Autumn Waiting," "Łapka niedźwiadka," "Aniołowie Biali" and many others can be found in many songbooks. "Wszystkiego Najlepszego" was formed years ago and sang many major prizes at major song festivals, reviews of sung poetry or student song, including several times at Yap, Bakcynalia, at Danielka, at Giełda Piosenki in Szklarska Poreba, at Bazuna, Krakow Student Festival and many others. After years of hiatus, the band returned by releasing the album "Na przekór przyszłej korekcie" in 2017, creating new songs and touring extensively. In 2019, the band released another album, "Banished Poets," and 2023 saw the light of day with their third album, "Small Towns." The authors of most of the lyrics are friendly artists of our region: Krysia Bernd, Aleksandra Bacinska, Krzysztof Kasperczyk and the band's founder and music author Maciej Rzeźnikowski. The band is characterized by polyphony, refined arrangements, melodic compositions and moving lyrics. We invite you to the concert! Singing together is happiness!
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