
  • Ticket price(s): 0
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Fundacja Normalnie
A conference on employing people with epilepsy will be held at the Park Hotel in Szczecin on 22.10.2024.
The conference is addressed to West Pomeranian employers and employees, both from the public and private sectors. Speakers at the conference will be people with knowledge and experience in the field presented, including a neurologist doctor, experts from PFRON, the District Labor Office in Szczecin, the State Labor Inspectorate, and an expert on accessibility in the workplace. The event will be conducted by an experienced moderator.
During the conference, experts will introduce the topic of subsidies for employing people with disabilities, talk about epilepsy - the forms and psychosocial aspects of the disease, as well as accessibility in the workplace in terms of people with epilepsy, labor laws on employing people with disabilities, present the offer of the Information and Advisory Center for People with Disabilities (CIDON).
Real-time translation into Polish Sign Language will be provided during the conference. The conference will be attended by 60-70 people.
The conference is held under the honorary patronage of Marshall of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship Olgierd Geblewicz and the State Labor Inspectorate Regional Inspectorate in Szczecin.
Registration for the conference is mandatory.

The conference is organized within the framework of the project "EPI-AKCJA - a campaign for the acceptance and increase of employment of people with epilepsy", financed from PFRON funds transferred through the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship.
Epilepsy is the most frequently diagnosed neurological disease in Poland, with about 1% of Polish society suffering from it. The campaign was created in response to numerous pieces of information coming from people with epilepsy regarding their high stigmatization in the West Pomeranian labor market.
It is time to start talking openly about epilepsy, epilepsy should not cause exclusion from social and professional life. Read more about EPI-AKCJA:

Contact about the conference:
Renata Laskowska - Manager of EPI-AKCJA
Normally Foundation, 67 Jagiellońska St., entrance B, lok.14, 70-382 Szczecin
tel. 574 990 888
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