
  • Ticket price(s): 90 zł
  • Link to ticket store:
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Stowarzyszenie "SFX"
Night Sciema is a run over the distance of a marathon (42.195km) and a half-marathon (21.097km).

The run takes place at night, when daylight saving time gives way to winter time during the race. This procedure provides a unique opportunity to achieve unbelievable results, which would be impossible at any other time. Since we change the time on our watches during the run - we thus receive a full hour of bonus time during our run.

The start to the Night Sleuth is at 2 a.m. sharp. An hour later, we turn the hands of our watches back again to 2 o'clock. In the case of the half-marathon, it turns out that we can be at the finish line just after two o'clock, the marathon, on the other hand, can be completed even before four o'clock. Thus, a result better than the world record is as possible.
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