
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Książnica Pomorska w Szczecinie
Presentation of the book "Ruler" by Jan Lach, combined with a discussion on the relationship between literature, history and art with the participation of: Prof. Andrzej Tomczak, Dr. Rafał Simiński and Krzysztof Lichtblau. Moderated by Michal Rozenberg. Excerpts from the book will be read by Wieslaw Lugiewka.
Musical setting: chamber musicians from the Feliks Nowowiejski Music School Complex under the direction of Edyta Moroz.
The meeting will be highlighted by an exhibition of "Graphics" by Ryszard Szymanski, whose works illustrated the book. It can be viewed until October 31.
"Ruler" is a novel based on the fate of Erik Pomorski of the Gryfit family, king of three Scandinavian countries. The fate of this somewhat forgotten ruler became food for reflection on man , his passions and desires, power and its consequences, and finally on the role of destiny and chance.
Ryszard Szymanski, graphic artist. For many years he worked at the Szczecin High School of Fine Arts teaching graphic design to young people. He is the originator and curator of the National Biennial of Artistic Graphics of Art Schools.
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