
  • Ticket price(s): 65 zł
  • Link to ticket store:
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Stargardzkie Centrum Kultury
On October 16, Maciej Brudzewski will perform at the Stargard Cultural Center in his latest program: "What Will People Say?". Maciej's fifth comedy show pokes fun at the biggest absurdity of everyday life: a concern titled "What will others think of me?". What do they think of us in bed, in the store, in church, at work? And for that matter: what do we think of others? Or worst of all: what do we think of ourselves? The answers to these questions and examples of life situations sprinkled with Maciej's ruthless humor will provide a ton of laughter and a well-spent evening. Support: Pawel Bakteria
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