
  • Ticket price(s): 0
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Lokalny Punkt Informacyjny Funduszy Europejskich w Koszalinie
The Local Information Point of European Funds in Koszalin invites you to participate in a free webinar entitled "How to develop competencies in Closed Circuit Economy (GOZ) - Measure 01.03 Personnel of Modern Economy - European Funds for Social Development".

During the webinar, participants will learn how to take advantage of European Funds within the framework of Measure 01.03 Personnel of Modern Economy to improve their qualifications and adapt their employees' competencies to the requirements of the Closed-loop Economy (GOZ). The "GOZ Academy" and "Professional GOZ Personnel" projects implemented by the ADN Institute Sp. z o.o. Sp. k., ADN Akademia Biznesu Sp. z o.o., which provide support to companies and individuals in the field of education and development of future cadres.

The webinar will be conducted on the Microsoft Teams online platform. To participate in the online meeting, install the Microsoft Teams application on your computer or download it to your phone.

Those interested in participating in the online meeting are asked to submit a completed application form by October 17, 2024. by 2:30 pm.
The link to the webinar will be sent in a separate message by October 17, 2024.

For people with disabilities, please inform the organizer about your special needs. This will enable the preparation of appropriate assistance, as well as the smooth operation of the webinar.

Webinar program:
- Welcome, organizational matters.
- Presentation of the offer of the Network of European Funds Information Points in the Westpomeranian Region and the Public-Private Partnership.
- Opportunities to support companies from projects implemented by the ADN Institute:
* "GOZ Academy" - what does the program offer?
* "Professional GOZ staff" - how can you benefit from support?
- Question and answer session.

European Funds Information Points

You are cordially invited to use - on all working days - the free services of the Network of European Funds Information Points, within the framework of which we offer:
- participation in training courses, workshops and information meetings,
- telephone and e-mail consultations as well as direct consultations in the points' offices,
- assistance to beneficiaries of European Funds in finding sources of funding for ideas, implementation and accounting for projects,
- information on the subject of Public-Private Partnership.
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