
  • Ticket price(s): 0
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  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Regionalne Centrum Innowacji i Transferu Technologii ZUT w Szczecinie
A conference for scientists, entrepreneurs, entities already implementing or just considering European projects, dedicated to the possibilities of funding research and innovation from Horizon Europe and the directions of biotechnology development. The event is being held as part of the Regions on the Horizon campaign.

Biotechnology, as an interdisciplinary field of science, operates in many sectors, linking science and business through the possibility of implementing innovative technologies based on biological processes on an industrial scale. The main idea of biotechnology is to improve, improve human life, so it is a very topical issue in the context of growing global needs and dynamic development of modern technologies.

Horizon Europe provides many opportunities for funding research and innovation in the broad field of biotechnology, including in the areas of health, food, environmental protection, chemistry or advanced technologies.

In order to introduce you to these opportunities and to show you the directions of biotechnology development, we invite you to Szczecin on October 22 to the main event of our October "Regions on the Horizon" campaign entitled Biotechnology of the future: development paths with Horizon Europe.

During the conference, experts from the National Contact Point will present the offer of Horizon Europe in particular with regard to biotechnology.

Guests of the event will also include scientists implementing innovative projects, with whom we will talk about trends, challenges and the future of this interdisciplinary field of science.

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