
  • Ticket price(s): 30 zł
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Michał Rembas
Guide company Dariusz Wybranowski and Michal Rembas invite you to a Szczecin film walk. On the route we will see the places that "starred" in such hits as "Young Wolves", "Alice" and "Thaw", but also those known to me, such as ""All Ahead" from 1966 with the unforgettable Zbigniew Cybulski or "Rachunek sumienia" from 1964. By the way, we will see how Szczecin has changed since the production of these films, because on the route we will see their short fragments.
We set off on Sunday, September 29 at 10 am from under the Tax Administration Chamber in Szczecin, at Energetyków Street ( from the side of the Boulevard, just behind the Long Bridge). Ending - Anders Park. The tour will last about 2.5 hours. Payment 30 PLN, in cash. School children 10 zl.
Photo for the event: Holiday Ka
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