
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Książnica Pomorska w Szczecinie
The purpose of the meeting is to draw attention to the problem of migration in Europe, which has plagued our continent for centuries. The event will be attended by researchers and history enthusiasts from Gorzow Wielkopolski and Szczecin: Beata Orlowska, Ph.D., Piotr Krzyzanowski, Grażyna Kostkiewicz-Górska, Marian Kalemba, Ph.D., and Malgorzata Duras.

In the program: "Tatar Mountains" in the memory of members of the Muslim Religious Community in Gorzow Wielkopolski, Tatar settlement in the Western Territories in the light of Aleksander Miśkiewicz's testimony - film screening, Tatar community in Western Pomerania, From France to Szczecin. Routes of wanderings of Huguenot families in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries - multimedia presentation.
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