
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Gmina Dobra
On Saturday, October 05, on the premises of MZAZ in Dobra, at 3 Fulfilled Dreams Street, a unique event will take place - a photographic exhibition realized within the framework of the project titled "We from Dobra - a cultural bridge between Dobra and Wolgast". The protagonists of the exhibition will be our neighbors - residents and friends of the Dobra Municipality, who with their activities and daily activities co-create social, cultural and economic life on the borderland. The author of the exhibition is artist-photographer Andrzej Łazowski. The event will also include a concert by the chamber harmonica ensemble "Trio Animato", which is, among other things, the winner of the prestigious World Harmonica Festival in Trossingen (Germany). You are cordially invited!

The project titled "We from Dobra - a cultural bridge between Dobra and Wolgast" is co-financed from the Small Projects Fund of the Interreg VI A Cooperation Program Mecklenburg-Vorpommern/Brandenburg / Poland 2021-2027 in the scope of specific objective 4.6: Culture and sustainable tourism and from the funds of the Polish-German Cooperation Foundation.

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