
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): Książnica Pomorska
"Monte Cassino - memory of the battle" tells the story of the dramatic fate of veteran soldiers of General Anders after World War II. Its greatest asset is the documentary footage of the battle, never shown in Poland, obtained, among others, from the Imperial War Museum in London, the Bundesarchiv in Berlin, the National Archives in Washington, the Filmoteka Narodowa in Warsaw, TVP in Warsaw and from deceased veterans of the battle from London. The film also includes archival final statements by Irena Anders and the last Polish President in Exile, Ryszard Kaczorowski, recorded in 2010, as well as a veteran of the battle who lived in Szczecin, 102-year-old Rajmund Kowalski.
The production is also of value to the Western Pomerania region, by showing one of the first schools in the country named after heroes of the battle - this is the IX High School in Szczecin, which still bears the name of the Heroes of the Battle of Monte Cassino. The school has borne its name since 1984, when the Iron Curtain still existed in Europe.After the screening, we invite you to a discussion with the author of the script Helena Kwiatkowska, director Monika Mazurek-Wilczynska and historian Dr. Michał Polak, Professor at the Koszalin University of Technology.
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