• Date: Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 6:00 PM-8:00 PM
  • Address: Schloßstr. 2d, 17321 Rothenklempenow
  • Page: https://bruessowerland.de/
  • Phone: -


  • Ticket price(s): 12 EUR
  • Organizer (name of institution or first and last name): QDorf
Discover the fascinating world of Luise Meier and her latest novel "Hyphen". In this reading, the author takes us into a near future in which a mysterious fungus brings the global energy supply to a standstill. But unlike in Hollywood's gritty science fiction flicks, the world in "Hyphen" does not descend into chaos and does not pit everyone against everyone else. Instead, the loss of electricity, gas and petrol supplies, television, radio and the internet brings people closer together. The new community of solidarity that emerges is no longer characterized by selfishness and ruthless pursuit of profit. It is remarkable that the author, who was born in the GDR in 1985, has set a large part of the plot in the Uecker-Randow region, where her family has lived for three decades. Tickets 12 € | advance booking at: +4915167555972 | q.dorf.verein@gmail.com
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