• Address: 78-520 Złocieniec

A municipal park, now called Żuber Park, was founded in the early eighteenth century at the foot of the castle of Złocieniec, and was called a castle garden until 1945. The park was originally privately owned by the family of von Griesheim and was unavailable for residents of Złocieniec. The park was full of wonderful and diverse vegetation. Apart from the indigenous species of trees and shrubs, there were a lot of exotic plants in it too. Big pots with wonderful specimens were placed along the alleys and paths. The pots with plants were transferred to the castle conservatory for the winter. The current name comes from the first post-war guardian of the park, who was Jan Żuber. The new name 'Żuber Park' was so strongly adopted among the locals that it is now the official name of the park. The main and most interesting part of the park is the Alley of Hornbeam, which is a natural monument, winding along the eastern side. The alley consists of 83 hornbeams amazingly shaped by the hands of gardeners. The tree crowns are intertwined with each other giving the impression of a green tunnel. In the central part of the park, there is a lot of valuable trees, including centuries-old natural monuments e.g. hornbeams, beeches, oaks, lindens, yews and chestnut trees. The park was renovated in 2009. Self-seeders were removed, new plantings were done, the alleys were renovated and information boards were put. Nature - teaching paths were marked out a year later. Currently, the park is a favourite resting place of the Złocieniec residents. Many tourists visit the place as well, and educational activities connected with nature and ecology are organised for the students of local schools.

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