The Szczecin History Museum is located in the Old Town Hall building which dates back to the 13th century. The exhibitions show the history and culture of the city from its beginnings to the end of the 20th century.

The seat of the Szczecin History Museum is the gothic Old Town Hall in Podzamcze, located in the center of the oldest part of the city - between the Sienna Market Square and the New Market Square. The building, which dates back to the mid-thirteenth century, acquired a gothic form with arcades and spectacular gables and a magnificent basement with beautiful stellar vaults at the turn of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries thanks to the reconstruction attributed to Heinrich Brunsberg.

In the impressive interiors of the town hall you can see exhibitions devoted to the history and culture of Szczecin from the earliest times - illustrated with archaeological relics - through the princely times, the Swedish, Prussian and German periods, to the Polish post-war period with the late twentieth century.

In front of the entrance to the museum, there is a modern sculpture Great Arch (1991), born in Szczecin, Bernhard Heiliger (1915–1995), one of the leading German sculptors of the post-war period (deposited by the Bernhard Heiliger Foundation from Berlin).


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